From an acorn to an adult tree: How long does it take an oak tree to grow
Oaks are slow-growing trees, but there is still a way to influence their growth rate. But how long does it take an oak tree to grow? How to properly care for a young sapling to grow faster? So, let’s dive into the details and look at all the steps of growth.
​​​​​Oak tree is mainly distributed in areas with a temperate climate. Vegetation of the tree is extremely rare in Africa; it does not grow at all in South America and Australia.
The natural habitat of such oak trees includes Russia, North America, European countries, Canada. Cultural forms are grown in almost all parts of the Earth.
Which oaks with a fast growth rate exist?
An oak tree grows from a sapling into a tall handsome man faster than it might seem. Biologists believe that in nature, oak trees grow only 18-25 days a year (when spring arrives).
However, when applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such as slurry or grass fertilizer, the growth period of young oak trees is greatly lengthened, and they give gains up to 27 inches (70 cm) or more over the summer. You just have to remember that grown oak trees are easily affected by powdery mildew.
Willow oak tree
The oak tree looks attractive. It grows up to 65 feet (20 m), but often the height of the plant does not exceed 50 feet (15 m). The species is similar to other mighty oak trees whose tree growth varies considerably.
The live oak tree trunk is wide and slender. The length of the leaf plate of the willow oak trees substantially reaches 4.7 inches (12 cm), and the width is 0.8 inches (2 cm).
Oaks grow quickly, are light-loving, and frost-resistant. Choosing a suitable location for planting oaks, you do not need to worry about choosing the type of soil. Oak trees can grow equally well in any soil.
It looks picturesque both as a single planted oak tree live as well as in a group. Willow-leaved oak trees have been cultivated for a long time, since 1680.
Shumard tree
The Shumard oak is one of the largest species of acorns in the oak group. This oak tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 25; white-tailed deer, wild pigs, various rodents and birds feed on its acorns.
The oak tree grows relatively quickly and has a strong straight trunk, wide crown, which is why it is often rounded crown and used in landscaping streets and parks as an ornamental oak tree that gives shade in early spring.
Northern Red oak tree
The Northern oak trees grow up to 80 feet (25 meters) in height.
There are representatives of the Northern oak tree that reach 2.000 years. In most cases, the average life span is 300-400 years. It reaches its maximum height by the age of 150, and continues to grow in width throughout its life.
Do you want to know what the maximum age of a tree organism is? This post How Long Does It Take for a Tree to Grow has some surprising facts.
When the holly-leaved oak trees blooms, they have a slightly red hue, in summer partial shade they are green, in autumn the young seedlings have a sharlach-red color, and the old ones are brownish-brown.
White oaks (Quercus Alba)
White oaks are beautiful deciduous oak trees that can grow up to 98 feet (30 meters), and some varieties of them even up to 131 feet (40 meters).
The oval, large, smooth to the touch leaves of white oaks can reach almost 10 inches (25 cm). White oaks are divided into blades of 6 to 9 pieces. At the beginning of the growing season, the color of the foliage is red; closer to summer in full sun, it turns green.
The first flowers on a white oak tree appear only after 50 years of happy planting life. There is such a sign among the people: if a sapling blossoms on a white oak, the frost will not last more than two weeks.
After that, there will definitely be no more of potted seedling. The flowers of the oak trees are gathered in long earrings. One by one white oaks look completely unsightly.
Maximum oak growth rate
These are wonderful evergreen oak trees together with rough leaves. The presence of active oak in your relief can be colorful. Someone is able to increase moderately along with an annual elevation increase of approximately 13-24 feet with full sun.
These live oak trees are long-lived and also increase in almost every soil. Possessing good stability to vortices, these oaks can be planted as well as street trees.
When we talk about the longevity of a tree, we are referring to a way to tell the age of a tree without cutting it down. Fortunately, there is such a way.
How many years will it take to get a mature oak tree
As it said earlier, depending on the oak trees variety, the growth rate and time vary with full sun. Some species grow faster, some slower. But in general, each of the species slow growing oak trees grow on average by at least three feet per year.
Of course, there are oak tree species whose growth does not exceed two inches per year. But this is usually due to bad weather conditions.

The world of plants is full of amazing surprises. Tree care and garden maintenance is a topical issue for many. So, when you’ve chosen exactly the type of oak you want for your landscape, you need to start germinating the planting trees.
And back to the main question, how long it takes to grow an oak tree. Let’s pay attention to the detailed instructions on how to properly grow an oak and how long each step will take.
Step 1: Find the right acorns
So, first you need to find a good strong acorn from which you will germinate an oak tree. It is best to start searching in September, not late fall.
Do not take acorns from an oak tree branches; look for white or red oak acorns that have already fallen to the ground. Be sure to pay attention to the color of the first northern oak acorn, it should be brownish-green. Also try to look for acorns without a hat. If there are no such acorns nearby, then choose the acorns from which it is easy to remove the cap.
Be sure to check your white or red oak acorns for damage or mold. Also pay attention to the fact that the white oak acorns themselves should be without holes from insects.

Step 2: Start growing acorns in the fall
Already after harvesting the best white and red oak acorns, it is time to grow them. Don’t forget that acorns along with scarlet or white wood require different arrangements.
You can plant white oak acorns instantly, but in order to plant scarlet acorns, just wait until their dormancy interval is over.
Dormancy is a period in an organism’s life cycle when growth, development, and (in animals) physical activity are temporarily stopped.
At the 1st time of planting red oak acorns, you can easily transplant the shoot tolerate pollution.
Step 3: Planting an oak sprout
Plant the sprouted oak tree seed in the ground in about a month.
During this stage, it will be necessary for you to protect the plant from such animals, as well as deer. You will be able to determine the openwork protecting cover for the purpose of many oak tree size along with tempting foliage.
At this stage, think about whether the roots of the growing tree will interfere with your buildings, foundations or paths? Foundation destruction can be prevented by installing a root barrier. This is also good for the roots, which begin to grow deeper instead of sideways.

Step 4: The sapling stage at the first 12 months of an oak’s life
Try to observe and take care of your plant in the first 12 months. Thus you can watch you tree pet is changing. Regardless, if you want to plant scarlet oak or snow oak, you can plant them in pots in March or April, when the cold weather is gone.
If there are any features, simply use the latest packages in order to renew the acorns of majestic trees. Snow-white oak acorn wood can be stored in a refrigerator in moist sand for about 4 months. Moist sand provides a suitable environment for acorns to mature.
Growing with the best coarse fertilizers promotes rapid full growth of live oaks.
If spring-red begins with the base of the full moon, it is always more correct to transfer the potted plant to a clear world in full maturity. This is due to the fact that the most oak trees shoot is in no way able to be active in the very cold weather.
Step 5: Watching the oak tree grow in its first years
Watch you oak for a year and more. It is still vulnerable to encounters with animals.
As a rule, an oak tree takes about 1 year to grow in a variant with seedlings. In general, in this case it is more correct that it is most likely just because of herbivorous pests.
In addition to animals, the trunk can be threatened by cracks in the bark due to temperature differences. How to deal with them see in What causes a tree trunk to split vertically.
Step 6: Overcoming the oak tree’s first 5 years
After that, as well as how your mighty oak tree stately trees trunk life will be realized within 5 years, you do not need to worry much about the speed of its increase.
If it is believed that white oak acorn have grown in the forest, then this criterion is that your wood has formed. For example, some active white oak’s acorns species have every chance of surviving for more than 10 years.
Oak growth abilities in the first year of life
Need started that, active fast growing oak trees, tree grow from tree’s growth increase instantly. According to the Clemson Institute, with proper grooming, they have every chance of eventually growing to the usual 2,5 feet. Take a look in advance for tips on winter tree trimming.
Active fast growing oak trees in general grow much faster in a cloudless coastal zone on a sandy, well-drained base. Whatever the trees used to be, their growth is being held back.
How much can oak diameters vary depending on the years lived
Picking up an grow an oak tree, numerous human always arrogant about the problem with attractive foliage, as well as instantly the nuttall to grow an oak tree to increase in width.
As well as the principle, any fasting increases well and is also considered strong if it is included in the best circumstances of cultivation. How heavy do you think mature trees are?
Chapter FAQs
How long does it take for an oak tree to reach full maturity?
If analyzed earlier, the duration of the live oak existence depends on anything types of live oak. These mature oaks will soon tend to belong to the group of the oldest potted seedling.
- The size of a 5-year-old can be from 12 to 15 feet.
- The size of a 10-year-old can be from 10 to 20 feet.
How long does it take for an oak tree to grow 100 feet (over 30 m) high?
First of all, you need to remember that oaks grow on average by 10-15 inches per year (30-40 centimeters). BUT this is in the first 4-6 years. Until then, it is better to keep them in the shade.
After 10 years, the oak tree can be safely moved to a sunnier place. There your nuttall oaktree can grow an average of 27-30 inches per year (70-80 centimeters). After making calculations, you can notice it will take 50-60 years for growing an oak tree to grow by about 100 feet (30 meters).
How Fast Do White Oak Trees Grow?
The rate of increase of white oaks is able to fluctuate from slow to normal. The rate of elevation change can increase as much as possible up to 12-24 inches per to 1 vegetation period.
Growing about 20 years is definitely not the fastest growing trees, but in sunny weather, white oaks grow up to 60 years.
How Long Does An Oak Tree Live?
The average lifespan of an oak tree can vary because of different species. Generally, the longevity of oaks can range from 100 to 300 years. For example, some oaks have a good chance of lasting up to 500 years.
What Is The Fastest-Growing Oak Tree?
Natal oak is the fastest growing burdock, reaching 70 feet high and 40 feet wide.
Answering the question, how long does it take to grow an oak tree, we would like to note the following. Fully mature that oak are often used by gardeners to decorate the site. So, you can just plant a slender oak tree growth near the house.
Often large oak trees are planted in massive stone flower beds next to gazebos, with resting places on the site. In this case, the tree not only performs a decorative function, but also creates shade, protecting vacationers from the scorching sun.