What To Look For In A Preschool Center

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Are you a mom or dad of a child who’s about to go to preschool? Finding the right one for them isn’t a walk in the park as there are many factors to consider. Not only that, but choosing a preschool entails a level of commitment on your family’s part since you’ll permit the school to teach your child in their formative years. Choosing goes beyond how affordable the decision will be—it’s about choosing what’s best for your child.

If you’re looking for answers in this post, then be assured that you’re in the same boat with many guardians when it comes to your concern. In fact, 56% of parents residing in the US have their fair share of challenges looking for excellent preschool learning centers that suits their young children’s needs and abilities. (1)

This article will help you identify what to look for when picking an early childhood center. Continue reading to learn more.

Location and accessibility

One of the most practical considerations that’ll simplify your decision-making is the preschool center’s location and accessibility. The center’s proximity plays an important role because you wouldn’t want your child to be hassled if the location is far from your home. Also, in case of an emergency, it’ll be much safer if you can access it in an instant.

Preschoollearning centers are usually located close to residential communities and neighborhoods. This pattern is consistent worldwide, as can be observed in different countries. For instance, preschool centers in Australia are usually placed close to residential areas, which can easily be accessed since they’re near public roads and transportation is available throughout the day.

If you’re from Sydney, particularly in the southern part, preschools in Peakhurst are viable options because they’re near the traffic routes and are near the suburbs. As you discover Little Scribblers at Bonds Road, Peakhurst and other preschool learning centers, you’ll appreciate their reachability, given their convenient pick-up and drop-off areas.

It’s not required to opt for an early childhood center near your place, but the sense of community you’ll be able to foster is essential for you and your children. After all, it takes a village to raise a child.

Curriculum and learning approach

A child’s first few years in the world are significant in their brain’s development. In fact, 4/5 of the mind’s growth happens when they’re three years old. This is the age wherein young children’s brains are like a sponge that absorbs many things. Given children’s young minds, your little ones need to be placed in the best avenue wherein their development is prioritized and honed. (2)

When narrowing down your options for a preschool center, one of the crucial things to look at is the curriculum and learning approach offered.

A good preschool should offer a well-rounded curriculum that includes cognitive learning, emotional and social learning, and physical learning. This curriculum should be taught through fun and engaging activities. If a preschool has all of these components and more, it is worth considering for your child.

How preschool centers tackle these aspects also has a role because their educational philosophy will be reflected. There are those whose approach is learning through play, meaning they let kids pick up knowledge through free play and pretend play. (3)

Others follow the footprints of Reggio Emilia who paved the way for student-centered learning. There are those known for the Montessori method, which puts a premium on children’s innate skills and inclinations then coming up with independent learning techniques.

Most preschool learning centers have a combination of these, whether they’re doing face-to-face classes or virtual education. At the end of the day, it’s all about how your child responds to different educational philosophies, like the learning through play approach, and how they’re learning the most. Identify which approach your kid thrives the most and try to gauge whether that preschool center provides ample learning resources for that.

Safety and security

Safety and security are paramount in a preschool center you’re eyeing to enroll your child in. It’s a reality that children don’t have the capacity to protect themselves, which is why external elements that make them secure are non-negotiable.

You’ll want the area to be well-lit and not have hazards nearby. The entrance should have a security guard that controls the flow of people and checks who comes and goes. For the play area, see to it that the designated space is free of debris, sharp edges, and unscrewed railings. At the same time, double-check the school’s emergency plans in case accidents or natural calamities happen.

No matter their protocols, choose a preschool center that makes you feel at peace when you leave your child there.


Looking for a preschool center for your child should be taken seriously because your kid’s future is at stake. You want your little one’s learning and development to be prioritized, which is why you must look for the considerations mentioned in this article. Weigh various options and do your due diligence in researching.


1. ‘Share of parents who experienced various challenges with childcare in the United States in 2023.’ Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1428393/us-parents-childcare-challenges/

2. ‘Early Childhood Education Statistics: Market Report & Data.’ Source: https://gitnux.org/early-childhood-education-statistics/#:~:text=of%20%2430%2C000%20yearly.-,80%25%20of%20brain%20development%20takes%20place%20by%20the%20age%20of%20three.,-Children%20that%20participate

3. ‘Children Learn More Through Play Than From Teacher-Led Instruction.’ Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nickmorrison/2022/01/12/children-learn-more-through-play-than-from-teacher-led-instruction/?sh=6528efe730bb

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