Business Description
Banana Fish MerchBanana Fish is a manga series that was serialized from 1985 to 1994 in Bessatsu Shojo Comic, a magazine publishing Shojo manga (girls' manga). Its realist art style and action-oriented storytelling broke with the then-established conventions of Shojo manga and helped establish its own genre. Its themes of homo*****ity and homoeroticism appealed to a broad audience, including men and adult women.
This short-sleeved Hawaiian shirt is perfect for summertime. It features an abstract banana leaves design and will look great at the beach or when you're out and about. The fabric is lightweight and breathable, making it comfortable to wear.
This shirt celebrates the talented R&B singer Mary J. Blige, who is known as the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul. It was designed to promote her 2001 album No More Drama, which was a huge success on the Billboard 200 chart. The shirt comes in several sizes and is a great addition to your wardrobe. The artwork is screen-printed, so the print will last wash after wash.