Business Description
We are a Christ-centered, clinically excellent, residential treatment center for adolescent boys ages 13-17 years-old. We believe in the potential of teenagers and the power of Christ to change the trajectory of their lives. Teen drug rehab is more than a job to us; it’s a calling. We are leading teens to a new legacy. Success is based on our core values of Honor, Unity, Sacrifice, Transparency, Legacy, Excellence and Fun or H.U.S.T.L.E. and Fun. These factors are what make Clearfork Academy distinct from other addiction recovery facilities.Business Hours
Monday : 12:00 - 11:59
Tuesday : 12:00 - 11:59
Wednesday : 12:00 - 11:59
Thursday : 12:00 - 11:59
Friday : 12:00 - 11:59
Saturday : 12:00 - 11:59
Sunday : 12:00 - 11:59