Business Description
Haven Homebuyers. We offer fair cash deal you can save your money in your pocket. Why should you pay any fees or commission just keep it in your pocket. How much is my house worth, Now home seller ask this question always, they want to sell their home in best price. Some times people want to sell house because of some reason like, selling tenant occupied property or selling your home before foreclosure.We renovate and re-sale houses in Santa Ana, CA and surrounding Towns. We buy homes from home owners that, for any reason, don’t want to own their homes any more or need to sell quickly due to unexpected circumstances. We are real estate investors and cash buyers and our intention is be compensated after we buy, fix and renovate the house for our work and for assuming the inherited risks that come from buying a home that needs work. We understand that it is important for you to get a fair price for your home and that is why we take the time to meet in person and look at the house before submitting our offers.