Business Description
Acupuncture is use needle to move body Qi and Blood to Break the blockage area to reduce pain. Acupuncture can treat most of pain conditions. Only acupuncture, no massage. Free consultation for acupuncture treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment: free consultation Pain condition: Heniate disc, Knee Pain, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Leg Pain, Wrist Pain, Finger Pain, Ankle Pain, Joint Pain, Sciatic Pain, Muscle Pain, bone Pain, Stroke, Paralysis, Facial paralysis, Hemiplegia, Abdomen Pain Head Conditon: Headache, Migraine, Sore throat, Tingling, Deafness, nose bleeding Emotion Conditon: insomnia, street, anxiety, palm sweating Beauty: reducing abdomen fat, reducing wrinkle, Acne, facial skin disease.