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What is a leg angiogram? A leg angiogram, also known as a peripheral angiogram, is a minimally invasive test which involves the use of X-ray technology to help your doctor view the arteries and veins in your legs.Is a leg angiogram painful?Risks. Lower extremity angiography is a very safe test. It's normal to have some tenderness and bruising where the catheter was inserted. The X-rays used during the test expose you to low levels of radiation that are considered safe.How serious is blockage in legs?Atherosclerosis—or clogging—in the peripheral arteries is dangerous. If you have atherosclerosis in your legs, it's almost certainly occurring elsewhere in the body. That's why all patients with PAD, regardless of whether leg pain is present, are at increased short-term risk of a heart attack or a stroke.Complications from angiography may include bleeding, pain, or swelling where the catheter was inserted, or pain, numbness, or coolness in your arm or leg. These symptoms may signify either bleeding from the puncture site or blockage of your artery. Bruising at the puncture site is common and usually resolves on its own. Rarely, impaired kidney function, or kidney failure, can occur following an angiogram, especially if you already have kidney disease. Also rarely, severe allergic reactions can occur, especially among people who have had previous allergic reactions to the contrast dye. Infrequently, a patient may experience shortness of breath or fluid overload if they have a heart condition associated with poor pumping action, such as congestive heart failureCall us at (646) 814-9370.