Business Description
Markiplier first had started his career on youtube in 2012 when he was 23 years old, by joining a video sharing website where he created a channel called “Markiplier”. His contents mostly involve games played by internet persona. His first playthrough of a video game was called “Amnesia- The Dark Descent”. He made more of the same genre videos like- “Dead Space”, “Penumbra” etc. This genre is called, “Let’s Play”, and he also does live streaming on his youtube channel. These contents that Mark creates in his youtube channel and make videos are mostly for raising purpose. Another one of his youtube channels called “MarkiplierGAME” got around 10 million subscribers within 2015 and is recognized as the most popular youtube channel which has collaborated with different YouTubers as Daniel Kyre, Ryan Magee, Matt Watson, etc. from different youtube channels.