Business Description
LIST YOUR HOME FOR $295 on MLS NO LISTING COMMISSIONWith the accessibility of the Arizona MLS listing on various websites and arizona multiple listing service survey shows that 90% of buyers start looking for properties on the internet. Thus the average listing agents have little more to offer than what az flat fee Listing are offering, but they collect a sizable amount of commission when the home is sold.
MLS stands for “Multiple Listing Service” and is “the real estate market”.
Over 90% of all properties sold in the US are a result of MLS listing exposure.
Being listed in the MLS means all the local Realtors are able to find your home in their MLS database.
Buyers are able to find your home on hundreds of public MLS websites, where they are most likely to be searching for a home.
MLS listed properties sell faster and for more money than non-MLS listed “for sale by owner” properties.
You receive the same MLS listing in the same local MLS for a one-time low Flat Fee instead of paying a 6% commission.
You retain the right to sell your property yourself, without paying a commission!
More exposure on hundreds of national MLS websites.
You are in control of your listing! Realtors working with qualified Buyers will call you directly because your name and phone numbers are posted on the MLS listing.
You are in control of the contract offer! You are able to negotiate terms and conditions with the Realtor directly, saving both time and stress.
You may cancel your MLS listing at any time.