Business Description
When you are faced with the difficult task of arranging a funeral, you need the help and support of professionals. At Schoppenhorst, Underwood & Brooks Funeral Home in Shepherdsville, KY, we are here to serve all your needs during this time. We offer a wide range of services that include everything from cremation and burial to memorials and interment services. At our funeral home in Shepherdsville, KY, we understand how important it is for you to have everything set up before your loved one passes away. This means that we can help you plan everything from their burial site to the type of coffin they will be buried in or cremated in so that there is no doubt about who they were when they were alive. All that is left is for us to take care of all the details so that your loved one’s final resting place can be beautiful and not just an empty lot where they’re buried or burned!